Satirical Satin Project is an association to help underpriviledge youth on developing their skills in fashion. Our upcoming event which is Hopeful Ramadhan Project is a collaboration between Satirical Satin Project and The Hope Factory on teaching the youth refugees on sewing to produce a pouch which is then be used to fill with the toiletries to be distribute to the homeless. Our objective is to change the outlook of the youths about life by understanding others worse scenarios; basically to inspire them to be aspired. We are looking for volunteer that can sew to teach youth refugees from Myanmar and Rohingya. If you know how to sew and free during the event, contact us at 013-5881442(Aida) or register at . We are also looking for sponsors in term of monetory or meals for the participants and volunteers. If you want to donate or be volunteer, reach us at the information above. Visit our social media for our organisation activity.
@satiricalsatin.project (instagram)